Fifty Shades Darker

I want to talk about a movie I watched recently, and it's Fifty Shades Darker.

Actually, I don't know that it's a movie about sadism and masochism (SM), and I wonder that maybe it's a movie about a man who has multiple personality disorder. Therefore, I was really shocked when I watched it with my friend, Maggie. (There are really so many scenes of hmm...... having sex)

This is a movie about the love story between a rich man, Grey and a graduate, Anastasia. Well... I didn't watch the first episode,so I didn't know the plot before the second episode. I thought Grey may hurt Anna in the first episode, so the second one started from Grey trying to make up with Anna. Then, after dinner, the two made up. Grey was a dominator, and he had many surrenders. 
One of his surrenders, Rhella was envious of Anna for having Grey's love. Therefore, she started to follow Anna,trying to shoot Anna one night while Anna was alone. Luckily, Grey showed up at that time. He asked Rhella to kneel down just like a dog. Anna was shocked by Grey's action and wanted to leave him again. Luckily, she finally went back. 

There are many important characters in this episode. One is Jack, Anna's boss.

Jack (I thought he is handsome, and I looked forward to his part in the next episode.)

Anna worked as a secretary for Jack in a publishing house. Jack seemed to hate Grey and harassed Anna several times. Therefore, Grey finally fired him and merged the company. 

Another important one is Iliana, Grey's dominator.

She acted as a hinder between Grey and Anna. When Anna and Grey married, she kept alienating Anna from Grey. At the end, she was slapped by Grey's step-mother and left.

There were many conflicts in this movie, but I thought these conflicts were all solved so easily. For example, there was something wrong in Grey's helicopter and he was almost died. However, when all his family worried about his safety, he suddenly popped up in front of everyone without giving an explanation about how he came back. I thought if the scenes of having sex reduce a little, maybe it would be more clear about its plot. After all, Grey and Anna were too passionate. They always had sex when they met. 

Well, this was the first X-rayed movie I've ever seen. Luckily, it wasn't too bad, and I would like to see the episode 3 next year. The bad guys in this episode would play important parts in the next one. I really looked forward to watching it, and I hope that I could have a boyfriend at that time. It's really lonely to see such a romantic(?) movie while surrounded by many couples. 

By the way, the songs in this movie are really amazing!!!(sang by Zayn and Taylor Swift)


  1. The plot of the fifty shades of Gray is so sexy that when I watch the film, I feel a sense of astonishment haha. Especially the muscle of Gray is very strong and perfect, no matter Anna can not help but fall in love with him. I am now looking forward the next episode of this movie, can't wait to see!!!

  2. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  3. To be honest with you, I’m a big fan of Fifty Shades of Grey. I’ve read all of the three novels in this series and watched the two movies. If you’re interested, I can borrow you the novels;)! By the way, I totally agree with you that Jack is handsome and hot (although he’ve sexually harassed Anna in the movie lol)


