This Group Of People (TGOP)

I want to talk about a famous funny group this week, and it's This Group Of People. This group is made of  seven people, and they are Gilin, Hannah, Keelong, Rays, Alina, Nick, Stone. They are famous for their hilarious song adaption and funny sitcoms. They are of the same university and some of them are even high school classmates. They are all 29 now, and they still don't stop achieving their dream. They keep spreading happiness to everyone, and that's the reason why I love them.
Now, I would like to recommend some of their videos for you.😀
This is their newest video, and it's about the possible situation when visiting a dentist. They show it out exaggeratedly but sometimes similar to our reality. (I really laughed out loud when I saw the part of taking out the whole meatball and shrimp head.😆 )

Aside from their sitcoms, they also have some adaptions of Western songs. They translate the English into Chinese directly and sometimes even Taiwanese. Besides, they even imitate the original music video and make it a new one in their own funny style lol. When I saw Rays and Nick kissing, I really laughed to died. 😓

Also, they even have a separate group which made up of Alina, Keelong and Rays named Three People. They have their own music videos. They are still of their funny style but they are much more delicate with some difficult dance. I hope that This group of People can have a formal video in the future.

I also followed their instagram, and I love their attitude toward life. Since they are famous, they also face many difficulties. However, they always look on the bright side and never gave up. I think that's the power of friendship, because they never need to face problem alone.

Alina is the girl I love the most in this group. Actually, she is much more famous than other members in This Group of People, and she even plays an important part in some of Taiwan's dramas. Their manager even suppose to let her solo, but she refused. She said that she would be nothing if she is not a member of This Group of People.

Well, they will have a fans meeting on 5/28 in Kaohsiung. Unfortunately, I didn't get the ticket. Therefore, if you know someone who has the tickets but he/she is not ready to go to the fan meeting. Please tell me.~~~~~~~~~ And that's my topic this week, hope that all of you will love them as I do.💓


  1. I’m also a fan of TGOP, but not as crazy as you do haha. XD It was when I in the junior high school when I first watched their videos, and since then, I have fallen in love with them. Their videos are always so hilarious, and bring joy to my life. Hope they will keep making videos in the future.:)

  2. I also like them very much. I think they are all talented people, and their videos always make me laugh for a long time,especially the adaption of famous popular songs. Besides,I think their videos have a high quality, and their topics are creative. Sorry, I don’t know anyone who has the ticket, but I hope you can get the ticket to see them.

  3. I've watched lots of their videos, and they are so hilarious lol I especially like how they complain about the tough working environment of service industry in Taiwan XD I also appreciate the close relationship between every group member, and it's really hard to keep a strong bond just like them.


