JoyYours (左飲右食)

Well, last week I introduced a South Asia restaurant to everyone and I made some mistakes. Therefore, if you want to try Am foods and goods, please look at here.👇👇👇
Last time I said that a cake come with a drink only cost you 90 dollar, and this is wrong. It's 120 dollar. (I think it's still not expensive.😀)

Now, I would like to have a brief introduction about JoyYours in Kaohsiung. This is one of my favorite restaurants that I usually have a date with my friends. They sell pizza, spaghetti, steak, several kinds of coffee or drinks, and the one I liked the most, honey toast. 

JoyYours situated near the Cultural Center Station, but you still need to walk for ten minutes. It is on the second floor of a building. It's too difficult to find this restaurant, and it took me almost half an hour to get into it for the first time. 

The decoration of JoyYours just like a living room at home, and you will feel warm inside it. 👇

(I got it from the Internet, so please ignore the word below.)
I think the most special dish is their honey toast so I will focus on it today and if you are interested on others, you can tell me. 
We had tried 699 combo meal once, and there's a steak, a pizza, a spaghetti, two drinks, two soup, and one honey toast. We added another honey toast after. We have five people, and each of us only cost 200 dollars. ( We couldn't even finish all of them.)

This is of the favor "慕尼黑森林". Although all the other dishes are not expensive, their honey toast is a little bit expensive. It's 250 dollar for one. However, I've heard that there are many other restaurants make the price higher than 250. It will be too much for one person to finish it, because there are about 6 little toast inside it. Their ice cream is really delicious. The toast is crispy on the outside but soft inside. That's the first time I ate honey toast, and I just fell in love with it.💓

This is another one. ( I didn't take the picture then, so I found it on the website. ) It's named 莓麗蓓蕾絲. Since one of my friends love strawberry a lot, she ordered this one. I don't like the strawberry, but there are still many other fruits, like kiwi, mango or blueberry. The honey toast come with a blueberry ice cream. I really had to said that their ice cream is so delicious. As for the toast, it's just the same as above, so I won't said again.

Although the picture of the honey toast looks delicate, it will be so terrible when you started to eat it haha.😅 This is my second blog about food, hope that all of you would love it.✌

Address:  802高雄市苓雅區青年一路1號2樓
Phone:  07 722 6785


  1. OH my god these desserts seem to be delicious.However, I think their calories must be also high that I might afraid to eat them. We should go jogging together at night so we can eat more great food and desserts like these in the future. Going on a diet is not easy, we should keep going!!!

  2. I think honey toast looks good but enjoying it all the way until the last bite is quite difficult since it's not only too sweet but the toast is very fulfilling. I could still remember that when honey toast just came out back when we were in junior high school, every restaurants that serve honey toasts were always packed with people lol Anyway, this is a dessert that's worthy of enjoying but only for once in a while xd


