My Trip to Taichung Part 2

Well, I shared my first-day trip on the last passage, and this week I want to talk about the delicacies in Feng Jia night market.
Here I would like to answer the question from Goonie and Andrea about why I didn't eat the favor of matcha. It's because we just finished 宮原眼科 and we would like to eat something salty. Therefore, we choose their signature dish- 炒麵刈包. Although we didn't try matcha, we would surely have it next time.😀😀😀
👉Feng Jia night market
Its's so well known that there are quite a lot delicacies in Feng Jia, so I google a lot to see which I would like to try. There are so many on the Internet, but I just choose parts of them that really interested me a lot.( Even if we only choose parts of them, we still couldn't finish all I had written below.)
Since it's Thursday that we went to Feng Jia, there are less people than normal. Therefore, we didn't spend much time waiting for the dishes.
👉紅茶臭豆腐: Well, I don't think it contains the flavor of Black tea, but it's truly delicious, especially its sauce which really deepens its smell. We ate spicy flavor, and I thought it's not too spicy. So, if you dare to eat spicy food, you should try it!!!!!!
The score:👍👍👍

👉來自星星的炸雞: I liked this one the best. Although it's named as fried chicken, It's roast chicken added with cheese and a little Tempura. It's a little spicy but the meat mixed with cheese tasted really good.💓
The score:👍👍👍👍👍

👉Sticky rice cake: I didn't eat this one, and it's eaten by Maggie and Miao-chen, so.....

👉Sausage with sticky rice: The normal one contains only one sausage inside the sticky rice, but this one is quite special. It contains cucumber, onion, peanut powder and many other things, but I forgot haha~😓
The score:💓💓💓

👉Papaya milk: There are quite a lot people lining up to buy this papaya milk. I bought one and asked the clerk not to add sugar, but the odor of papaya was not that deep as others said. The clerk really put many papaya into the milk, but maybe the ice, too. Thus, if you get the chance to try it, remember to ask the clerk not to add too much ice.
The score:👍👍

👉明倫 Chinese omelet: I had been to 逢甲 night market during the last winter vacation, and I ate this Chinese omelet once. I loved it ever since last time, so I decided that I would surely eat it again this time. It's 40 dollars for one, and you can choose the sauces. (soy sauce, sweet-chili sauce, and chili sauce) I had tried soy sauce last time, so I tried sweet-chili sauce this time. It's tasted good. No other food could defeat 明倫 Chinese omelet in the night market!!!!! You should try it by yourself.
The score: 👍👍👍👍👍👍

Well, there were still many food we wanted to try, but we couldn't eat anymore. Therefore, we started to go shopping, and buy the same pants.

The next day, we didn't stop eating. We wanted to go to 勤美術館, but it didn't open. So, we ate near it. 
👉三星丸: I love this ice cream shop, but it's named as 三星園 in Kaohsiung. (The two are the same.) I drank Matcha green tea, and Maggie ate 將軍的眼淚. I love their matcha so much.💓💓

👉  乳酪: This is the last one I wanted to introduce to you. This is a restaurant next to 勤美術館, and we had New York cheese cake here. Their cheese cake is really tasty, and I would surely buy again next time. As soon as you put the cheese cake in your mouth, you will feel it melting in your mouth.💓

This is my trip (eating all the time), and my spring vacation is ready to end.😱😱 Hope that all of you enjoy your spring vacation.✋


  1. Like I commented in your blog last time, I really love Taichung for its delicious food. 三星丸 was on my list when I went to Taichung last time; however, I gave up in the end because there were so many people waiting outside and I didn’t have patience to wait. :(

  2. I've been begging my parents to take me to Feng Jia night market for at least ten years. However, they always turn me down by saying it's hard to find a parking space near the night market. Since then I said to myself, once I'm free from them, Feng Jia night market would definitely on the top of my list.

  3. Your trip is full of food. I count your list and observe that there are almost 10 food you want to try. So did you have a try all the food on your list? I would like to try papaya milk you drank and the cheese cake looks nice. Maggie told me that the cheese cake is really wonderful. Maybe next time I will take your food list when I visit Taichung.


